Social Activities For Seniors In Southwark

and Neighbouring Boroughs

Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things.

Welcome to London Senior Social, a community-based group that works with older people (aged 60 and over) who would like to remain active, keep socially engaged, discover new skills and make new friends. Take the first step by joining us – and enjoy your life.

We pride ourselves on being inclusive and diverse group with members from all culture and ethnic background, offering opportunities for those who feel socially isolated, having reduce mobility or diagnosed with dementia also those with multiple medical condition or prone to anxiety/depression.

We are based in Southwark and operate across London, so if you or a loved one are interested in joining our friendly social group for seniors in Southwark, please get in touch today.




Two elderly ladies knitting on sofa

London Senior Social


What We Offer

Beach day trips

Beach Day Trips

Social events

Social Events

Transport to and from

Transport To and From

Hot meals 

Hot Meals

We run a range of elderly activities and support Mondays to Saturdays (11:30am – 4:45pm) throughout the year. Our activities include strength and balance exercise session, Digital Inclusion Arts and crafts, Mental Dexterity - Dominoes, Manicures/Pedicures, Bingo, Seasonal Parties and Sea side trips. We also offer Help at Home services.

All of our day trips and events include:

  • Door to door transportation to and from all events
  • Freshly Cook Meals
  • Appropriate cold drinks throughout the day
  • Dedicated Health & Social Care staff.
  • Volunteers to encourage and assist members to participate in activities safely
  • Health care staff/volunteers to aid with all personal care

Visit our activities and events page for all the latest events we are holding at London Senior Social.


Freshly Cook Meals

London Senior Social regularly provide hot meals for our members, either at events and day trips, or delivered direct to their homes. If you would like to find out more about our hot meals schedule, then take a look at our events listings.





Upcoming Events

We regularly update our events listings, so make sure to check back and see what London Senior Social will be up to next, and find out how you can get involved.

View events




 Man mowing lawn, gardening

 carer bringing food to elderly couple at home

Additional LSS Services
Help @ Home

As well as our social services and gatherings for seniors, we also provide a additional services to help our members at home.
These include:

  • Gardening
  • Handyman
  • Cleaning
  • Decluttering
  • Information and advice

Enquire or book




Who Can Join?

London Senior Social core principle is whatever point in your life you find yourself, that's where we will design a care plan for you to enjoy your day out.

We understand that London can be a lonely place at times, and this is further compounded as we get older. Now more than ever, older people feel isolated from friends and families and need a social outlet where they can relax, have fun, learn and live their life surrounded by friends.

Come and join us if you're age 60 + living in Southwark, feeling lonely, you're have been diagnosed with dementia or would like to make new friends or just have extra time on your hands and simply just want a change of scenery!

Sign up now



Where To Find Us

We operate out of the following premises, but alternate between them so please check our events listing or contact us to confirm the location on the day.

If you or a loved one is looking for a social activity, looking to discover new skills and to maximise your potential with your given capacity – then contact London Senior Social, social activities for seniors in Southwark and surrounding areas.

Contact us


TRA Hall 

Rye Hill Hall, Peckham Rye,
London, SE15 3AA




AGE UK centre

Stones End Day Centre, 11 Scovell Rd, London, SE1 1QQ





Funders and supporters

London Senior Social is endorsed by Southwark Council, Southwark Charities, United St. Saviour's National Lottery, Rye Hill TRA Hall, Morrison Supermarket and Coop Store who are our cherished funders and supporters.

 United st saviour's charity logo Morrisons logo Rye Hill Tra logo Southwark council logo      

  Co-op logo   The National lottery logo   Southwark charities logo   City bridge trust logo



Our Testimonials

Dear Brenda and the @LONSnrSocial team, 

I would like to thank you for all the help you give me and my mum Edna. The food is amazing and saves me from cooking for mum! The days out where she is engaging in different activities and meeting up with her peers helps her mentally and physically- and gives me some respite for a few hours to do anything I like! 

So on behalf of Edna and myself.. Bravo! And keep up the fantastic work you are doing for the residents and community. 

God Bless 

Edna and Sharon Brandford 

 Read more